Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Yoku Asobi Yoku Manabe~♪

Hi, everyone! ^^

So, this time, I'm being relatively on time with updating about events in my life! XD This past weekend was one of the busiest that I've had so far, filled with events that were both work AND play! *cough* title of post *cough*

First, on Saturday, my friends and I decided to explore the much more city-like area near Akita Station. ^^
Our lovely group of adventurers! ^^

Although we've been here for at least three weeks already, it was surprising for all of us that we hadn't even tried poking around Akita City proper yet! However, this trip was going to remedy that!

In order to get to the city, we have to take the train from Wada Station, the closest train station to our uni, to the much larger Akita Station. :)
Off we go! :D

Without much difficulty, we made it to Akita Station. Here, I was taken by surprise by the blatant IRIS advertising in the station! 
They really like IRIS here...XD

We then proceeded to explore a large store called "Topico", which is filled with many shops that sold everything from very Japanese-styled souvenirs to lots of AMAZING food. ^^

One of these stores was an "import" store that sold lots of foods imported from different countries. One of my friends is French, and so was very happy upon seeing all the French food that this place sold. :)
The French love their cheeses! XD

Once we stepped outside of the station, though, we realized how very different this place was from our uni (and why everyone kept saying our uni was in a rural area). ^^;;
 Dorothy, we're not in Kansas anymore...XD
This place even looked a bit like Tokyo! O____O;;

Basically, everywhere around the station, there were these huge department-store-like complexes that were enough to make any girl who like shopping's heart go *dokidoki*! I felt like I was in Taipei shopping all over again...except in a hella expensive version. XD

After hours of walking around shopping (no pictures because I've learned that Japanese shopkeepers don't like it when you take pictures of their stuff), we decided that we wanted to take a break. We decided that such a hot day warranted a visit to the Baskin Robbins! ^^

Not only did ice cream sound like a wonderful treat, but we were looking forward to perhaps of taking a glance at the advertisements featuring Johnny's Jr. that should be plastered all over the place, like at the Baskin Robbins in AEON mall. 
 The Baskin Robbins at AEON mall Akita. :3
This is only a portion of the sneaky pictures I took of this place....X____X;;

Sadly, we were disappointed in terms of seeing Johnny's Jr. :(

However, we still had some wonderful ice cream!!
 Baskin Robbins in Japan is way more tricked out than in America!! XD
 I had a panda ice cream made with ポッピングシャワー flavor, 
which was a tasty green and white ice cream with pop rocks in it! ^^
Even though it was expensive, it was worth it! XD
In other news, *GAHH!!* my hair is getting a bit long. X_____X

After our brief ice cream break, we visited Loft, a make-up store. :)

Before long, we came upon this:
 Even here, the Johnny's have followed us. LOL XP
With the help of my more make-up savvy friends, I bought these. :) 
I've always wanted gold eye shadow! :D

I will say that make-up is expensive...but I'm pretty sure that that's true in most places. *cries over wallet* X____X;;

Before long, we came upon other celebrity sightings!
 Oh god...Some of my favorite guys promoting...something. 
But it's so glorious that I don't even care. :P
Miura Haruma~♡♡♡ My absolute fave fave. 
 Even Korean celebrities had a turn! XD 
Jang Geun Suk, ftw! LOL.

We also partook in some very girly activities. XD
Such as being pretty princesses~

By the time we were finished exploring this building, it had become dark outside, and we were seriously starting to look forward to dinner.
 Akita City at night. :3

After attempting to stop by a revolving sushi place (it was too expensive for our tastes), one of my friends who was more familiar with the are suggested this little place that served okonomiyaki! ^^
Okonomiyaki party! :D

Thus began our epic okonomiyaki adventure!! XD

 Steak okonomiyaki. :3

 Throughout our entire okonomiyaki ordeal, there was a constant stream of 
Michael Jackson playing in the background. This was during "Thriller". ^^

 The okonomiyaki master's winning pose! ^^
 This is actually a monjayaki. :)
Basically, it is like okonomiyaki, but with a more liquid consistency.

 We were still hungry after splitting the okonomiyaki and the monjayaki, 
so we ordered one that had everything in it! :D
 I just ♡ her expression! XD

More oishii~~~

All this okonomiyaki seriously reminded me of Kanjani8 during that episode of Janiben when they invited Miss Universe Japan 2009 on the show and had her try okonomiyaki as a representative of Kansai food. ^^
*squee* I've eaten something K8 has eaten!!! *squee*

After stuffing ourselves with inexpensive(!) okonomiyaki, we headed back to Akita Station in order to make the train that would take us back to Wada Station before the last bus from Wada to our uni left. :)
 Akita Station at night. :)
 Namahage pictures!!
 I think they make much better namahage than we did. XD
And we bid good-bye to Akita Station...for the day. XD

The following day, Sunday, was filled with business of a different sort. I had volunteered to work at our uni's second Open Campus. After all, if we signed up, we would get a free T-shirt and a I thought, "Why not?" XD

But then, approximately two days before the open campus, a friend and I received an email asking us to come in early (we were originally supposed to only work the afternoon shift) and help out.

Thus, I had to wake up at 6:40 in the morning, the earliest I have been up since I got to my uni, and get transported to Akita Station (yes, we were there twice in as many days), where four other students and I had to stand around with signs, guiding potential students and their parents to the buses that would take them to our uni. 

This would have been fascinating...if there was a steady stream of people. However, while the first bus had plenty of passengers, the following buses did not, so for a while, my partner and I felt as if we were just standing there awkwardly in the station...for no apparent reason. XD

The only bright side was that we got half hour breaks every 40 minutes or so, and so I was able to explore some more of Topico and try wonderful food, such as this waffle confection that was filled with green tea cream, red bean, and whipped cream. 

I also got my first bubble tea since Ueno Park!! ^^ Unfortunately, bubble tea does not seem to be Japan's strong point - it pales in comparison to the bubble tea I drink at home...and would be ashamed of being called bubble tea, if it knew how much its Taiwanese counterpart outshines it. (FYI: Bubble tea is a Taiwanese invention! And it's my favorite~♡)

After helping out at the station, we were taken back to campus by bus. Needless to say, those 30 minutes were spent in nap mode. XD

Once we got to campus, I was to assume my new duty of manning the station where international students got to talk to potential students and answer any questions they may have.

But before that, we were surprised by this:
Kanto, a very Akita-like tradition. :)
The lanterns can weigh up to 50kg...and if a woman touches it, she will supposedly end up pregnant.
Needless to say, I did not go anywhere near it! XD
 The traditional musical accompaniment made it even more exciting! ^^
 As the performance went on, they attached more poles to it so the lanterns were 
higher and higher off the ground!
This guy amazed everybody with his use of props while balancing the kanto on his shoulder. :D
 Having fun while enjoying the kanto performance...and showing off our new T-shirts! ^^
Oh yeah, you know volunteers are cool! :D

After the performance ended, we went to work. But there weren't very many students coming, so my friends and I stepped out for a brief ice cream break!
 They had some pretty exotic flavors. 
I got rice and also chestnut-flavored ice cream! Both were delicious! :D
We also made a new friend! ^^

Speaking of new friends, we went back to work and had some fun times with the visiting students. Although many of them were uncomfortable speaking English, I still tried my best to puzzle through what they were saying and to be as much help as I could be. :)
 Group picture with a cool student we met from Sendai. :)

After that, we headed for the after party, despite being pretty exhausted at this point. XD
 A sure-fire way to get rid of food: invite a bunch of college students 
and say that it's all free! XD
 Our uni's president was there! 
Apparently, he really wants to be 19 again. XD
 In other news, Oreo is having it's 100th anniversary, aparently. XD
 Fun...with the whole table! ^^
 Then, the duck chip lips trend was started! XD

And silliness abounds! XD 

All in all, it was an eventful weekend filled with all sorts so fun! ^^

Which brings me to my next topic: the title of this post. Now, what in the world does "Yoku Asobi Yoku Manabe" mean and what does it have to do with this post??

Well, "Yoku Asobi Yoku Manabe" is the the second single of NYC, that group kicked out a bunch of cool people in order to become the hated Nakayuma's promotional vehicle (and thus really should not be in existence). The title translates to something like, "Play more, study more", which seemed fitting, while the PV consists of the three boys exploring the actual NYC (as in New York City) and acting like complete dorks tourists. XD

In other news, my life here at uni has been pretty fulfilling! We finished learning hiragana, so now I can read things!! ^^ Also, I have made many new friends, including among the Japanese students, and have really settled in with life here. :)
I also found someone special.♡

With all that said - I realize that this is quite the long blog post - I say:

Bye-bye for now!

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