Saturday, August 11, 2012


Although I have yet to embark on my magical, mystical journey to Japan, I still want to post something today because I feel like today marked a day of considerable significance!

First, most importantly, today marked the last day of my summer job! I was working in a wonderful Korean restaurant in Washington, DC as a way of earning funds for my trip. I had been working there Monday to Friday from early May until today, so it was quite a shock to go through the day with the knowledge that this was the last time I was going to refilling soy sauce bottles, changing containers, or asking "Would you need your receipt?" for the umpteenth time. XD

Everyone (including some of the customers! ^^) was very supportive and wished me luck on my trip, which was nice. They even humored me and my picture-taking needs, despite many of my co-workers having an aversion to cameras. XD
 Group picture! ^^
 Of course I had to get one with the boss as well~
 Kitchen fun. :)
They looks sooooo happy right now...
I'm sure they're about to jump for joy at this point. XD

Anyways, work today definitely felt like another tangible step toward Japan, like one more loose end that has been tied up on the way to our trip - that final dash of sesame oil and sesame seeds to a completed bibimbap. After all, without sesame seeds or sesame oil, it's just not a bibimbap, as I overheard a Korean customer mutter once. ^^;;

With this step and the fact that all my stuff has pretty much been packed since last Sunday (don't ask - overly protective moms tend to freak out about stuff like that), the reality that I'm soon going to be spending life in a different country is starting to set in. Afraid? Yes, a bit. But still excited and ready for a life-altering experience!
The three bags I will be living off of for the next five months...

With all this talk of bibimbaps and packing and whatnot, you may be wondering why this post is titled "Ganbaretsugo~!". I have decided (not that long ago, actually) that I will title all my posts with something Johnny's related. This means that by following my blog you will inevitably also become schooled in random facts about Johnny's boy bands...It's a fact of life. Deal with it. :P 

Anyways, onward with the title explanation, "Ganbaretsugo!" or "ガンバレッツゴー!" is a Hey! Say! 7 (subgroup to Hey! Say! JUMP made up of the 4 younger kids) song. It's title is a mix-mash of "Ganbare", a Japanese expression of encouragement, and "Let's go!". Hence, "Ganbaretsugo". XD With all this Japan stuff becoming more and more finalized, the encouraging title seemed appropriate. 

Although it's not my favorite JUMP-related song - 
heck, it's not even my favorite 7 song, Chinen's their adorableness makes up for it. :)

More importantly, Also, today is Hey! Say! 7 member Nakajima Yuto's 19th birthday! ^^ 
There can never be enough excuses to post random pictures of Yuto. XD

So, congratulations to him for bringing another year of wonderfulness! He is probably one of my biggest biases in JUMP and I will always admire him for being the super enthusiastic singer/actor/show host/model with a heart of gold. You can never be angry with Yuto. NEVER. :D

And with that, I end my post. Bye-bye for now! :3

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